.. _AR_apps: *************************************** AR applications *************************************** WingAdder ============================= Detect human candidates and estimate their poses; add wings to these candidates. More details can be found at the `README.md `_ of this project. The code is open-sourced in SVAI group. Please log in your Gitlab to access the code. Link: `Project `_ Thinner ============================= Make the person in the image look thinner, based on user-input. More details can be found at the `README.md `_ of this project. The code is open-sourced in SVAI group. Please log in your Gitlab to access the code. Link: `Project: Python implementation `_ `Project: C++ implementation `_ PoSeg ============================= Pose Estimation and Segmentation in a joint network. :: TODO: ADD TRAINING AND TESTING DOCS. The code is open-sourced in SVAI group. Please log in your Gitlab to access the code. Link: `Project `_ NCNN-CRF ================================ YiLin Chen's work: Conditional Random Fields in NCNN Link: `Project `_ NCNN-SEG ================================ YiLin Chen's work: an image segmentation Android app integrated with NCNN framework. Link: `Project `_ MACE-SEG ================================ YiLin Chen's work: an image segmentation Android app integrated with XiaoMi's MACE (Mobile AI Compute Engine). Link: `Project `_ MACE ================================ YiLin Chen's version of MACE Link: `Project `_ Caffe2Seg ================================ YiLin Chen's work: image segmentation on Caffe Link: `Project `_ SimpleAPP ================================ YiLin Chen's work: A boiler-plate for android app integrating DL algorithms. Link: `Project `_ YiLin's slides ================================= YiLin Chen's internship summary. Link: `Slides `_ Android Native Development Kit: https://hackmd.io/WO-nZYsfR1icmYbWy3jFrQ How to Import OpenCV in Android NDK: https://hackmd.io/pdIcTgr7RuKGlYjwaGDwhw How to Build Caffe on Mac: https://hackmd.io/8ljOZQVOQ3qVG1SJIERF3g Integrating Caffe2 on Android https://hackmd.io/6SaIcmEfRkGnFDKJ6NXsyw How to Build NCNN on Mac: https://hackmd.io/4i6x5TeFRJKrq2s5XjgPBg Integrating NCNN on Android using CMake: https://hackmd.io/u5AfZIgSQe6s4cN9FpADcw How to Build MACE on Mac: https://hackmd.io/d1V8KrzpT7GxWKCu2k2RZQ Integrating MACE on Android using CMake: https://hackmd.io/uEXUX7YwRba6qkWIRUZtgw