.. _utilities: *************************************** Utilities *************************************** I/O: File ============================= utils_io_file.py is a light-weight python library dealing with I/O that is related to files. Its functionalities include:: - validate file format - find file extensions - find out whether a file is an image - find out whether a file is a video - read image via opencv wrapper - read video via opencv wrapper TODO: ADD PILLOW WRAPPER FOR FILE I/O Please kindly contribute your functions if you have more. The code is open-sourced in SVAI group. Please log in your Gitlab to access the code. Link: `Code `_ I/O: Folder ============================= utils_io_folder.py is a light-weight python library dealing with I/O that is related to folders. Its functionalities include:: - get immediate sub-folder names/paths - get immediate childfile names/paths - create folder if it does not exist - get folder name from path Please kindly contribute your functions if you have more. The code is open-sourced in SVAI group. Please log in your Gitlab to access the code. Link: `Code `_ The project is currently in rapid development. For now, please follow the instructions in the comment section, or run the bash script for your convenience. Pose: 3d-nms ============================= utils_nms.py implements the cross-heatmap non-maximum suppression for human pose estimation. This post processing procedure improves upon the raw performance of human pose estimation (HPE), regardless of the HPE approach. The code is open-sourced in SVAI group. Please log in your Gitlab to access the code. Link: `Script `_ The project is currently in rapid development. For now, please follow the instructions in the comment section, or run the bash script for your convenience. Pose: common ============================= utils_pose.py implements common utility routines for human pose estimation. Its functionalities include:: - Pre-processing images: (1) normalize RGB image; (2) convert a list of images into network input blob; - Data augmentation for human pose estiamtion: (1) scaling; (2) flipping; (3) padding - Visualization for human pose estimation: (1) heatmaps; (2) joints and keypoints - Post-processing images and heatmaps: (1) flip the order of heatmaps; (2) crop images; (3) overlay scaled image to a gray image with original image size - Saving pose predictions: (1) save heatmaps; (2) save keypoints The code is open-sourced in SVAI group. Please log in your Gitlab to access the code. Link: `Code `_ The project is currently in rapid development. For now, please follow the instructions in the comment section, or run the bash script for your convenience. Pose: heatmaps ============================= utils_convert_heatmap.py implements heatmap-related routines for human pose estimation. Its functionalities include:: - Conversion between keypoint coordinates and heatmaps - Padding heatmaps - Averaging multiple heatmap sets (each set is a whole list of heatmaps including all keypoint classes) The code is open-sourced in SVAI group. Please log in your Gitlab to access the code. Link: `Code `_ The project is currently in rapid development. For now, please follow the instructions in the comment section, or run the bash script for your convenience. Pose: gen_hourglass ============================= gen_hourglass.py implements the caffe version of the hourglass network for human pose estimation. It is basically a python script that writes a prototxt file for the hourglass network. It could be conveniently modified for other network structures. The code is open-sourced in SVAI group. Please log in your Gitlab to access the code. Link: `Code `_ The project is currently in rapid development. For now, please follow the instructions in the comment section, or run the bash script for your convenience. Pose: gen_fractal ============================= gen_fractal.py implements the caffe version of the fractal network for human pose estimation. It is basically a python script that writes a prototxt file for the fractal network. It could be conveniently modified for other network structures. The fractal network is a variation of the hourglass network in that it replaces the resnet module with the inception-resnet module. The code is open-sourced in SVAI group. Please log in your Gitlab to access the code. Link: `Code `_ The project is currently in rapid development. For now, please follow the instructions in the comment section, or run the bash script for your convenience. Json ============================= utils_json.py implements the basic utilities for reading and writing json data. It also includes the conversion between python object data and json string. The code is open-sourced in SVAI group. Please log in your Gitlab to access the code. Link: `Code `_ The project is currently in rapid development. For now, please follow the instructions in the comment section, or run the bash script for your convenience.